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4C's Of Diamond


Cut of a diamond is directly proportionate to the concept of quality. Cuts also represent the symmetry, size and the reflective qualities simultaneously.


Diamonds are often available in natural colors. It has been found that, most of the available pieces exhibit tints of several combinations like grey, brown or yellow.


Clarity of a piece of diamond remains to be its natural inclusions, mostly microscopic in nature. According to the expert consultants’ the clarity of a diamond counts the imperfections related to the same.


Carats are generally measurable weights of diamonds on which prices are fixed. Therefore, your budget needs to be fixed according to the ‘carat of diamond’, that you may plan to go for.

What is Cut Of Diamond?

Cut of a diamond is proportional to the symmetry of vision that the stone offers. However, expert consultants working in the field of diamond valuation and gradation confirm that cut of a diamond is not necessarily related to the shape of the product. Cut of a diamond consists of the proportionate look that the stone had achieved through a balanced symmetry and high grade polish. It is interesting to note that, a perfect diamond cut can only be achieved by a professional diamond-cutter as the cut of the product is directly proportional to the light that it can reflect. It is assumed that, a diamond with greater cuts can achieve a better light refraction which is why, it shines more. However, cutting of diamonds remain to be a professional approach to set the right proportion and brilliance to the stone concerned. Diamonds when given a perfect cut can harness its’ brilliance in the true sense especially when exposed in bright environment.


Whenever, we think about a diamond, we think about the color. Color of a diamond remains to be the color of reflection. More often than not, it is the natural color that remains to be visible within the diamond. Diamonds are generally more precious, if they are within the “colorless” and “near-colorless” range. Such diamonds are rare and are of intrinsic value to the consumer.

Why is colorless diamond understood to be more valuable?

Colorless diamonds are understood to be more valuable, as it allows a minimum reflection of light. Consequently, such diamonds produce extravagant brilliance and sparkle to attract attention. Scientifically speaking, diamond stones act as prisms which allow the light to be reflected in seven wavelengths following the ‘VIBGYOR’ principle. Therefore, diamond when exposed to natural light can act as a filter. A colorless diamond therefore disburses more colors. Below is given a table concerning the details of gradation of diamonds to give you a fair idea on the quality of such valuable gemstones. 


Clarity of piece of diamond remains to be its natural inclusions, which are mostly microscopic in nature. According to the expert consultants’ the clarity of a diamond counts the imperfections related to the same. On the contrary to this concept, many of the experts related to diamond extraction and cutting, acknowledge that, clarity of such precious stones are directly related to the purity and rarity factor associated with such valuables. Gemmologists can be the right choice, when inspecting the clarity of the diamond. A gemmologist inspects the product characteristics closely, and magnifies the product, in order to take a note of the clarity associated with the valuable stone. Diamonds with minimum number of inclusions or no inclusions for that matter of fact remain to be highly valuable to the consumers.


Diamonds are nothing but precious stones, to most of us, although such stones are naturally pure and crystalline forms of carbon. Diamonds are worn in the form of rings, pendants and ear studs by most of the women across the globe. But, have you ever thought about grading of diamonds? Diamonds being the most precious possession for most of us needs to be graded in order to have a guarantee on the quality. Although grading of diamonds happens to be tedious, such processes are undertaken by authorised team of experts. Experts in the related field reveal that, there are four major product aspects that remain to be seen in order to grade the ‘precious stone’. These are very often referred to as the 4Cs of diamond.

4C's Of Diamond

Diamond Certifications

A diamond certificate, is a document also known as a diamond grading report is graded by renowned gemologists that include the genuine features of a diamond. After a diamond is being thoroughly studied, scrutinized and evaluated, the attributes are then measured and noted on the diamond certificate and presented along-with the diamond. Certificate given from a gemological laboratory verifies the quality of a diamond and allows non-experts to make knowledgeable decisions while purchasing diamonds.


IGI is the largest organization of its kind, operating 18 laboratory locations around the world grading finished jewelry, natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds and gemstones - and 14 schools of gemology graduating thousands of new jewelry professionals each year.


Founded in the year 1931, Gemological Institute of America, is one of the most prominent names in the field of diamond and jewelry. It is a non - profit organization that is headquartered in Carlsbad, California operating in 13 countries, with 11 campuses, 9 laboratories and 4 research centers worldwide. The research process, gem identification and diamond grading services are examined by professional gemologists who assures reliability and authenticity of a diamond. In the year, 1953 the G.I.A. developed its International Diamond Grading System and the Four Cs (cut, clarity, color, and carat weight) as the standard to compare and evaluate the quality of diamonds.


Founded in the year 1934, The American Gem Society is a trade association that deals with and includes retail jewelers, suppliers, self-regulating appraisers, and selective industry members. AGSL is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and specializes in diamond grading and so has its own cut clarity, and color standards.

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