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Engagement Rings

Diamond Cut

Cut of a Diamond: What do you need to know?

Cut of a diamond is proportional to the symmetry of vision that the stone offers. However, expert consultants working in the field of diamond valuation and gradation confirm that cut of a diamond is not necessarily related to the shape of the product. Cut of a diamond consists of the proportionate look that the stone had achieved through a balanced symmetry and high grade polish. It is interesting to note that, a perfect diamond cut can only be achieved by a professional diamond-cutter as the cut of the product is directly proportional to the light that it can reflect. It is assumed that, a diamond with greater cuts can achieve a better light refraction which is why, it shines more. However, cutting of diamonds remain to be a professional approach to set the right proportion and brilliance to the stone concerned. Diamonds when given a perfect cut can harness its’ brilliance in the true sense especially when exposed in bright environment.


Can reflection of light through diamonds help diamonds to sparkle?

It is a common notion that, reflection of light through the diamond cuts can improve the sparkle of such precious stones. The fact remains that, white light reflected from the back of axis of diamond can improve the shine of the stone. Interestingly, it is to be noted that, diamonds do reflect the seven colours of the spectrum, and hence it sparkles when exposed to sunlight.

What is dispersion?

The process of dispersion is exactly the opposite to that of reflection, as far as diamonds are concerned. Dispersion actually refers to the integration of various shades of colour back to the main axis of the diamond. It is interesting to note that, when a precious diamond stone comes in the contact of natural light, light passing through the same is reflected in seven colours. Such colours constitute the concept of VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red) precisely. Such colours coming out of the gemstone bounces off in ‘mirror-like facets’ to create a mesmerizing experience.

What do you understand by the term ‘Scintillation’?

Cut of a diamond remains to be one of the most important product aspects as it helps us determine the size of the precious stone. Expert consultants related to the field acknowledge that, a diamond which is fine cut appears to be bigger in size in comparison to a poorly cut counterpart. Well cut diamonds obviously have a greater impact in terms of clarity and colour. Most of the experienced diamond cutters reveal that, the symmetry, polish as well as proportions of a diamond are heavily dependent on the severity and intensity of the cut. The cut of a diamond remains to be a major determinant of reflection of light passing through the same. Therefore, a well-cut out diamond reflects the light passing through itself in a balanced fashion through a noteworthy dispersion. On the other hand, a poorly cut diamond actually reflects the light from the bottom. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘light leakage’. However, an illusion is created to the human eye, wherein it appears that the light is coming up from the top. However, a poorly cut diamond lacks brilliance and sparkle from within, which affects the outlook of the precious stone altogether!

GIA is one of the most renowned authorised agencies in order to grade diamonds. They provide an authentic certificate to endorse the quality of the diamond according to the following llistings:
    Very Good

However, it is important to understand that, a diamond may vary in terms of quality based on its grade, symmetry as well as the polish. Cut graded diamonds can be processed artificially as well, and these are more often referred to as fancy shaped diamonds. However, experts reveal that, there are several other factors like depth of the cut, and other secondary measurements that can directly relate to the quality of the diamond whatsoever.

Buy GIA Certified Diamond Ring

How do jewellery brands acquire good quality diamonds?

Based on certain unique characteristics as mentioned above, renowned jewellery brands, acquire precious stones which are certified. Detailed reports pertaining to grading needs to be collected before the stone is acquired or embedded within the shape of jewellery.

Diamond Cut

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